Legends and comments

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Legends and comments

Legends options

Draw legends: Legends can be switched on or off.
Draw title: With this option the result name of the current visualization appears at the top of the legend.
Opaque: Legends can be transparent, showing the result visualization behind them, or opaque.
Draw border: If enabled, draws a box around the legend and comments.
Num labels: Set the number of labels printed in the color scale of results, to identify color with value.
Draw user limits: If enabled, the maximum and minimum value of the legend will be surrounded with a box it these where fixed by the use
Draw outside: Activating this option, the legend is shown in a separate window, thus leaving more space in GiD's windows.

Vertical size: relative (%) or absolute

Comments options

Show comments: enable or disable visibility of comments.
Auto update with current result: If this option is activated, the comments at the bottom of the screen show an automatic content built from the type of analysis, the actual step and the kind of result (see Comments).
Custom defined comments: allows the user to define a custom comments.

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