GiD - The personal pre and post processor
Entities color
- If 'Frozen layers greyed out' is set then entities on frozen layers are drawn in gray color instead of its normal color.
- Entities color: This option allows the user to set the colors used to draw the geometrical and mesh entities (Points, Lines, Polylines, Surfaces' boundary, Surfaces' isolines, Volumes, Nodes and Elements).
A checkbox before the color allow set visible or not this category of entities.
Show bounding box
To show or not the bounding box aligned to global axis of each category of geometrical entities. Will be drawn only for independent entities (higherentity parents counter equal to zero)
Background color
- Single background color: Determinates the background color.
- Two colors background: if checked, two colors are used to generate a degradation for the background.
- First and second color selection: here the user can set the two colors used to defined the gradient.
- Sense: here the user can select the gradient sense between the two colors: vertical, horizontal or diagonal direction and between first and second color or the other way around.
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