Selection window (only Preprocessing)

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

Selection window (only Preprocessing)

Menu: Utilities->Tools->Selection window...
Mouse menu: Contextual->Selection window

For those functions where some entities are to be selected (creation of a surface or a volume, copying entities, etc.), it is possible to use the Selection window. The selection window lets you take control of the selection process.
Selection window

Note: The selection window option is only available in the mouse menu during the selection process.

The selection window has the following options:

  • Select all: If this option is chosen all entities are selected. If a filter is selected, it is applied to all entities.
  • From, To: This option lets you select a range of entities. If a filter is selected, it is only applied to that range of entities. To see the ID numbers of entities, use the Label command (see Label).
  • Mode: There are three selection modes:
    • Swap : If you select an entity that is already selected, the entity is deselected, and vice versa.
    • Add : In this mode it is impossible to deselect an entity. Only new entities are added to the current selection.
    • Remove : In this mode it is impossible to add entities to the selection. This mode is used to remove entities from the current selection.
  • Filter: If a filter is selected, only the entities that satisfy the filter criteria will be selected. This menu changes depending on what type of entity is being selected:
    • Points
      • Higher entities: You are asked for a value, and all points with this Higher Entity number are selected (Higher Entity number is the number of lines that a point belongs to).
      • Layer: select entities that belong to this layer.
      • Group: select entities assigned to this group.
      • Label: Selects all points where a Label is shown or not (On or Off).
      • Material: All points with a chosen material assigned are selected.
      • Condition: All points with a chosen condition assigned are selected.
    • Lines
      • Higher entities: You are asked for a value, and all lines with this Higher Entity number are selected (Higher Entity number is the number of surfaces that a line belongs to).
      • Layer: select entities that belong to this layer.
      • Group: select entities assigned to this group.
      • Label: Selects all lines where a Label is shown or not (On or Off).
      • Material: All lines with a chosen material assigned are selected.
      • Condition: All lines with a chosen condition assigned are selected.
      • Min. length: Selects only the lines whose length is greater than the given length.
      • Max. length: Selects only the lines whose length is smaller than the given length.
      • Entity type: Selects only the lines which fit the specified type: StLine (Straight Line), ArcLine, PolyLine or NurbLine.
    • Surfaces
      • Higher entities: You are asked for a value, and all surfaces with this Higher Entity number are selected (Higher Entity number is the number of volumes that a surface belongs to).
      • Layer: select entities that belong to this layer.
      • Group: select entities assigned to this group.
      • Label: Selects all surfaces where a Label is shown or not (On or Off).
      • Material: All surfaces with a chosen material assigned are selected.
      • Condition: All surfaces with a chosen condition assigned are selected.
      • Num. sides: All surfaces with a chosen number of sides are selected.
      • Entity type: Type of surface.
    • Volumes
      • Layer: select entities that belong to this layer.
      • Group: select entities assigned to this group.
      • Label: Selects all volumes where a Label is shown or not (On or Off).
      • Material: All volumes with a chosen material assigned are selected.
      • Condition: All volumes with a chosen condition assigned are selected.
      • Num. sides: All volumes with a chosen number of sides are selected.
      • Entity type: Type of volume.
    • Nodes
      • Layer: select entities that belong to this layer.
      • Group: select entities assigned to this group.
      • Label: Selects all nodes where a Label is shown or not (On or Off).
      • Condition: All nodes with a chosen condition assigned are selected.
    • Elements
      • Layer: select entities that belong to this layer.
      • Group: select entities assigned to this group.
      • Label: Selects all elements where a Label is shown or not (On or Off).
      • Material: All elements with a chosen material assigned are selected.
      • Condition: All elements with a chosen condition assigned are selected.

(see Mesh quality for any of the options below)

      • Min Angle: Selects only the elements with an angle greater than the figure specified in degrees.
      • Max Angle: Selects only the elements with an angle smaller than the figure specified in degrees.
      • Min Edge: Sets the minimum edge length accepted.
      • Max Edge: Sets the maximum edge length accepted.
      • Shape quality: Sets the minimum shape quality accepted.
      • Minimum Jacobian: Sets the minimum jacobian accepted.
      • Entity type: Type of element (see Element type).
  • Clear: Clears the current selection.

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