
GiD - The personal pre and post processor


GiD_Set ?-meshing_parameters_model? ?-default|-array_names? <varname> ?<value>?
This command is used to set or get GiD variables. GiD variables can be found through the Right buttons menu under the option Utilities -> Variables:

  • <varname> is the name of the variable;
  • <value> if this is omitted, the current variable value is returned (analogous with 'GiD_Info variables <varname>').
  • -default return the default value of the variable (<value> its not accepted)
  • -array_names return a list with the sub names of the array, or an empty list if is not an array
  • -meshing_parameters_model to use the copy of the variable used in meshing the current model instead of the general preference variable


GiD_Set CreateAlwaysNewPoint
GiD_Set CreateAlwaysNewPoint 1
GiD_Set -default CreateAlwaysNewPoint
GiD_Set -meshing_parameters_model SurfaceMesher

GiD_SetModelName <name>
To change the current model name.
If name is not specified then the current model name is returned.

GiD_SetProblemtypeName <name>
To change the current problemtype name.
If name is not specified then the current problemtype name is returned.

GiD_ModifiedFileFlag set|get ?<value>?
There is a GiD internal flag to indicate that the model has changed, and must be saved before exit.
With this command it is possible to set or get this flag value:

  • <value> is only required for set: must be 0 (false), or 1 (true).

Note: This command set all flags. Can set flags of individual datasets with the command GiD_Project set changes_dataset <dataset> ?<0|1>?


GiD_ModifiedFileFlag set 1
GiD_ModifiedFileFlag get

GiD_MustRemeshFlag set|get ?<value>?
There is a GiD internal flag to indicate that the geometry, conditions, etc. have changed, and that the mesh must be re-generated before calculations are performed.
With this command it is possible to set or get this flag value:

  • <value> is only required for set: must be 0 (false), or 1 (true).


GiD_MustRemeshFlag set 1
GiD_MustRemeshFlag get

To force a redraw

GiD_BackgroundImage get|set show|filename|location <values>
This command allow to get and set the background image properties
Valid set values are:

  • show: 1 or 0
  • filename:

the full filename of some valid GiD image format to be used as background image
or "", to release the current image

  • location:

'fill' to fill the whole screen,
or a list (objarray) with six floating values for a real size image, to set the origin and x',y' local axes: ox oy ix iy jx jy
They are 3 points (in 2D space, z=0.0) that represent:
o=origin lower-left point
i=end point of the local x' axis
j=end point of the local y' axis (the size ratio of the image could change)
Note: 'GiD_BackgroundImage set location' must be called after 'GiD_BackgroundImage set filename'

GiD_RegisterExtensionProc <.extension> PRE|POST|PREPOST <procedure>
To register a Tcl procedure to be automatically called when dropping a file with this extension


GiD_RegisterExtensionProc ".h5" PRE Amelet::ReadPre

GiD_RegisterPluginAddedMenuProc <procedure>
To register a Tcl procedure to be automatically called when re-creating all menus (e.g. when doing files new)
this procedure is responsible to add its own options to default menu.


GiD_RegisterPluginAddedMenuProc Amelet::AddToMenu

GiD_Thumbnail get | get_pixels | get_vectorial | get_statistics_mean
Returns the image data of an downscaled view of the current graphical window.

  • get ?-width <req_width> -height <req_height>? ?-components <RGB | BGR | RGBA | BGRA | GREY>?

The image is a downscaled from the current size to req_width x req_height , req_width and req_height must be > 0. The parameters width and height are optional and by default the view is scaled to 192x144. The components parameter is also optional and by default is RGB. To get a picture with transparent background, use '-components RGBA' or '-components BGRA'. The result of this command is png data, which can be directly used by the Tk image command, like this:


label .l -image [image create photo -data [GiD_Thumbnail get]]

  • get_pixels ?-quality <quality>? ?-components <RGB | BGR | RGBA | BGRA | GREY>? ?-format <png | jpeg | img_raw | raw?

It returns a list {width height data} of the current image, data is the raw binary pixel values of the image.
The flag -components allows to specify the kind and order of the data for Red, Green, Blue and alpha component planes, being Alpha the transparency factor.
The flag -format specifies the format of the image data, raw is raw binary pixel values of the image, img_raw it prefixes a small header to the raw image byte data as defined here https://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/focal/man3/img-raw.3tk.html .
With the flag -quality an integer value from 0 to 100 is used in the lossy compression format JPEG. Using 'jpeg' or 'jpg' only get the RGB pixels, i.e. it does not have alpha planes.


lassign [GiD_Thumbnail get_pixels png] w h pixels
set my_image [image create photo -width $w -height $h -data $pixels]
label .l -image $my_image

  • get_vectorial STL|VRML|OBJ

It returns the current view in binary STL or ascii VRML format. As STL only accepts triangles, lines are formatted as collapsed triangles and polygons are triangularized.
GiD_Thumbnail get_vectorial obj --> returns a list with 3 elements:
1st - the obj file contents ( refers to the 'ObjInMemory.mtl' material library file eventually)
2nd - (optional) the mtl file contents (i.e. the 'ObjInMemory.mtl', may refer to the 'ObjInMemory.png')
3rd - (optional) the texture data ( the ''ObjInMemory.png' binary data)
The returned data can be written directly in a file


# writing STL output
set fo [ open file.stl wb]
puts $fo [GiD_Thumbnail get_vectorial stl]
close $fo
# writing OBJ output
set obj_data [GiD_Thumbnail get_vectorial OBJ]
lassign $obj_data obj_objects obj_mtl obj_tex
set fo [open file.obj w]
puts $fo $obj_objects
close $fo
if { [llength $obj_mtl] > 0} {
  # inside $obj_objects there is the refence 'usemtl ObjInMemory.mtl'
  set fo [open ObjInMemory.mtl w]
  puts $fo $obj_mtl
  close $fo
if { [llength $obj_tex] > 0} {
  # inside $obj_mtl there is the refence 'map_Kd ObjInMemory.png'
  set fo [open ObjInMemory.png wb]
  puts $fo $obj_tex
  close $fo
  • get_statistics_mean

It returns an array of three real numbers with the mean of r g b components of all image pixels. (values from 0.0 to 255.0)

GiD_Thumbnail get_statistics_mean

->254.5277054398148 254.52159288194446 254.51443142361111

GiD_GetWorldCoord screen_x screen_y
Given the screen coordinates ( screen_x, screen_y) returns a list with six coordinates:
{ x y z nx ny nz }
(x,y,z) the coordinates mapped into the world (model) of the screen coordinates,
(nx,ny,nz) the normal vector components of the world (model) pointing to the user.

The mapping screen --> world (model) is done by intersecting the line perpendicular to the screen, passing through the coordinates (screen_x,screen_y), with the plane parallel to the screen (in real model world) at the centre of the view / model. The returned normal is the normal of this plane.

GiD_Togl current|list|pick_one

A togl object is a Tk widget that allow draw using OpenGL commands

GiD_Togl current ?<togl>?

To get or set the current togl (Tk OpenGL object),

GiD_Togl list

To get the list of all togl's of all windows

GiD_Togl pick_one <togl_name> point|line|surface|volume|dimension|node|element|axis <x> <y>

To get the entity id of this category, if any, located on the x,y screen integer coordinates.


set togl [GiD_Togl current]
GiD_Togl current $togl
set togls [GiD_Togl list]

GiD_GetUserSettingsFilename ?-create_folders? ?-ignore_alternative_configuration_file?
To get the file name where the user settings are stored.
If -create_folders flag is provided, then all intermediate folders are created if doesn't exists
If -ignore_alternative_configuration_file flag is provided, then alternative_file provided by -c or -c2 command line argument is ignored.

GiD_GetUserSettingsCommonDirectory ?-create_folders?
Similar to GiD_GetUserSettingsFilename but return the common directory, not depend on GiD version or -c / -c2 command line flags