GiD - The personal pre and post processor

From v 10.0.3 to 10.0.4

What's new from version 10.0.3 to 10.0.4
Bugs fixed related with meshing compatibilities checking before meshing semi-structured volumes.
Bugs fixed related with 3D boundary layer meshing.
Quadratic type of the model (variable IsQuadratic) loaded automatically when the model is loaded.
Bugs fixed related with semi-structured volume meshing.
batch files always needs .bch extension

selection: faster when selecting lots of elements or nodes, corrected a bug when selectiong nodes
linux: corrected explosion when shadows where on and creating a hires image with nvidia drivers
avoid som redraw's
c.fill with textures: corrections when min = max, and when only 1 colour was selected
c.fill: corrected error when drawing interior elements of volume meshes and in pg's
graphs: corrected 'dot' style, title box adjusted when itle is changed
Linux: owner of .gidDefaults and .GiDPostPreferences.ini is the same as owner of directory where these files are, usualy $HOME
mesh colours: corrected bug which reseted the colours after deforming, animating or cutting meshes.
utilities status: store volume and area values, avoiding recalculating them innecesarily
Post state: on quit, save only if there is a model loaded.
post state: if saved state is graph view, then stay in normal postprocess view.
results cache: several corrections
fonts: corrected bug when fixed width font is selected( pmfont).
tkogl: when using opengl from Tk, corrected problem when setting the color of printed fonts (PGF).