
GiD - The personal pre and post processor


GiD_Event_BeforeMeshGeneration: will be called before the mesh generation. It receives the mesh size desired by the user as the element_size argument. This event can typically be used to assign some condition automatically.
If it returns -cancel- the mesh generation is cancelled.

proc GiD_Event_BeforeMeshGeneration { element_size } {
  set value ...
  return $value

GiD_Event_AfterMeshGeneration: will be called after the mesh generation. It receives as its fail argument a true value if the mesh is not created.

proc GiD_Event_AfterMeshGeneration { fail } {

GiD_Event_BeforeMeshErrors: will be called is the mesh generation fail, just before show the errors window.

filename is the full path to the file that has information about the meshing errors, but for internal meshers, filename is "" and the error messages are stored in a Tcl global array, and can be obtained with the Tcl proc MeshErrors::GetMessages

if filename is not "" then its content can be easily get with set data [GidUtils::ReadFile $filename]

Retuning -cancel- the standard 'Mesh error window' won't be opened

proc GiD_Event_BeforeMeshErrors { filename }  {
  if { $filename == "" } {
    set messages [MeshErrors::GetMessages]
  } else {
    set messages [GidUtils::ReadFile $filename]
  set value ...
  return $value

GiD_Event_BeforeMeshProgress: to start some progressbar, provide an approximated information of the amount of entities to be meshed

proc GiD_Event_BeforeMeshProgress { num_other num_lines num_surfaces num_volumes } {

GiD_Event_MeshProgress: to update some progressbar, provide approximated percents of the progress

proc GiD_Event_MeshProgress { percent_total percent_other percent_lines percent_surfaces percent_volumes num_nodes num_elements } {

GiD_Event_AfterMeshProgress: to end some progressbar

proc GiD_Event_AfterMeshProgress { } {


proc GiD_Event_AfterChangeMesh { num_nodes num_elements } {

GiD_Event_AfterRenumber: will be called after renumber the geometry or the mesh (to update for example fields storing entity identifiers)

  • useof : could be GEOMETRYUSE or MESHUSE
  • leveltype: the kind of entity that was renumbered.
    Geometry: must be ALL_LT.
    Mesh: could be NODE_LT or ELEM_LT.
  • renumeration:
    Geometry: four sublists with the old and new idenfiers for points, lines, surfaces and volumes.
    Mesh: a sublist with the old and new identifiers for nodes or elements.
proc GiD_Event_AfterRenumber { useof leveltype renumeration } {

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