GiD - The personal pre and post processor
GiD_Event_AfterCreatePoint/Line/Surface/Volume: will be called just after create the entity, providing its number
proc GiD_Event_AfterCreatePoint { num } { } proc GiD_Event_AfterCreateLine { num } { } proc GiD_Event_AfterCreateSurface { num } { } proc GiD_Event_AfterCreateVolume { num } { }
GiD_Event_BeforeDeletePoint/Line/Surface/Volume: will be called just before delete the entity, providing its number
proc GiD_Event_BeforeDeletePoint { num } { } proc GiD_Event_BeforeDeleteLine { num } { } proc GiD_Event_BeforeDeleteSurface { num } { } proc GiD_Event_BeforeDeleteVolume { num } { }
GiD_Event_AfterRenumber: will be called after renumber the geometry or the mesh (to update for example fields storing entity identifiers)
- useof : could be GEOMETRYUSE or MESHUSE
- leveltype: the kind of entity that was renumbered.
Geometry: must be ALL_LT.
Mesh: could be NODE_LT or ELEM_LT.
- renumeration:
Geometry: four sublists with the old and new idenfiers for points, lines, surfaces and volumes.
Mesh: a sublist with the old and new identifiers for nodes or elements.
proc GiD_Event_AfterRenumber { useof leveltype renumeration } { }
GiD_Event_AfterRepair: will be called after repair (the geometry and mesh), to do extra tasks at scripting level
It must return a list of the items: num_repaired and message
- num_repaired: integer, the number of repaired things
- message: a translated message to be shown to the used after the repair
proc GiD_Event_AfterRepair { } { return [list $num_repaired $message] }
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