
GiD - The personal pre and post processor


GiD_Result create|delete|exists|get|get_nodes|gauss_point|result_ranges_table ?-array? <data>
To create, delete or get postprocess results:

  • GiD_Result create ?-array? {Result header} ?{Unit <unit_name>}? ?{componentNames name1 ...}? {entity_id scalar|vector|matrix_values} {...} {...} : these creation parameters are the same as for the postprocess results format (see Result of Results format: ModelName.post.res) where each line is passed as Tcl list argument of this command;

Optionally the names of the result's components could be specified, with the componentNames item, and the unit label of the result with the Unit item
if the -array flag is used (recommended for efficiency), then the syntax of the data changes. Instead to multiple items {id1 vx1 vy1 ...} ... {idn vxn vyn} a single item with sublists is required, id1 ... idn} {{vx1...vxn} {vy1...vyn}, where idi are the integers of the node or element where the result are defined, and vi are the real values. The amount of values depends on the type of result: 1 for Scalar, 2 for ComplexScalar, 3 for Vector (4 if signed modulus is provided), 6 for Matrix.
In fact with -array it is returned an 'objarray': a Tcl_Obj object specialized for arrays, implemented as a Tcl package named 'objarray'. (for more information see scripts\objarray\objarray.pdf)
GiD_Result create -array {Result "MyVecNodal" "Load analysis" 10 Vector OnNodes} {ComponentNames "Vx" "Vy" "Vz" "|velocity|"} 1 3} {{2.0e-1 -3.5e-1} {2.0e-1 4.5e-1} {0.4 -2.1}
GiD_Result create {Result "Res Nodal 1" "Load analysis" 1.0 Scalar OnNodes} {1 2} {2 2} {113 2} {3 5} {112 4}
GiD_Result create {Result "Res Nodal 2" "Load analysis" 4 Vector OnNodes} {ComponentNames "x comp" "y comp" "z comp" "modulus"} {1 0.3 0.5 0.1 0.591} {2 2.5 0.8 -0.3 2.641}
GiD_Result create -array {Result "Res Nodal 2" "Load analysis" 4 Vector OnNodes} {ComponentNames "x comp" "y comp" "z comp" "modulus"} 1 2} {{0.3 2.5} {0.5 0.8} {0.1 -0.3} {0.591 2.641}

  • GiD_Result delete {Result_name result_analysis step_value} : deletes one result;

GiD_Result delete {"Res Nodal 1" "Load analysis" 4}

  • GiD_Result exists {Result_name result_analysis step_value} : return 1 if the result exists.
  • GiD_Result get ?-max|-min|-componentmax|-componentmin|-info? ?-sets <set_names_list>? ?-selection <sorted_ids>? ?-array? ?-ignore_no_result? {Result_name result_analysis step_value} : retrieves the results value list of the specified result.

-array: optional flag. The values are returned more efficiently grouping the information in arrays, else values are grouped as a list with one item by entity

-ignore_no_result : optional flag. The values unset (with special value -3.40282346638528860e+38 that mean no_result) will be ignored
-sets <set_names_list>: only the results of nodes/elements (depending on the result) of the sets belonging to <set_names_list> are returned
-selection <sorted_ids>: only the results of nodes/elements (depending on the result) with id belonging to <sorted_ids> are returned
<sorted_ids> must be an intarray (list of integer ids) of increasing ids of nodes/elements to be returned.
if one of the -max, -min, -componentmax, -componentmin, or -info flags was specified instead of the full results value only the minimum/maximum value of the result, every minimum/maximum of the components of the result, or the header information of the result is retrieved, respectively;

Eamples: (case of a scalar result defined on triangles with 3 gauss points)
GiD_Result get -selection {169 170} -array [list "Test Gauss" "LOAD ANALYSIS" 10]
-> {Result "Test Gauss" "LOAD ANALYSIS" 10 Scalar OnGaussPoints "Triangles"} {ComponentNames "Test Gauss"} 169 170} {{26.25 27.299999237060547 28.350000381469727 26.399999618530273 27.450000762939453 28.5}
GiD_Result get -selection {169 170} [list "Test Gauss" "LOAD ANALYSIS" 10]
-> {Result "Test Gauss" "LOAD ANALYSIS" 10 Scalar OnGaussPoints "Triangles"} {ComponentNames "Test Gauss"} {169 26.25 27.299999237060547 28.350000381469727} {170 26.399999618530273 27.450000762939453 28.5}

  • GiD_Result get_nodes ?-deformed?: returns a list of nodes and their coordinates.

-deformed: optional flag. in this case the node coordinates are not the original, but the current deformed (mesh deformed adding a vector result multiplied by a scale factor). By default without this flag the original coordinates are returned

  • GiD_Result gauss_point create|get|names|delete <name> <elemtype> <npoint> ?-nodes_included? <coordinates> ?<mesh_name>?
    • create <name> <elemtype> <npoint> ?-nodes_included? <coordinates> ?<mesh_name>?

Define a new kind of gauss point where element results could be related.
<name> is the gauss point name. Internal Gauss points are implicitly defined, and its key names (GP_LINE_1,GP_TRIANGLE_1,...) are reserved words and can't be used to create new gauss points or be deleted. (see Gauss Points)
<elemtype> must be one of "point | line | triangle | quadrilateral | tetrahedra | hexahedra | prism | pyramid | sphere | circle". (see Mesh format: ModelName.post.msh)
<npoint> number of gauss points of the element
-nodes_included :optional word, only for line elements, to specify that start and end points are considered (by default are not included)
<coordinates> : vector with the local coordinates to place the gauss points: 2 coordinates by node for surface elements, 3 coordinates for volume elements. For line elements now is not possible to specify its coordinates, the n points will be equispaced.
If coordinates are "" then internal coordinates are assumed.
<mesh_name>: optional mesh name where this definition is applied, by default it is applied to all meshes

  • GiD_Result gauss_point get <name>

Return the information of this gauss point

  • GiD_Result gauss_point names

Return a list with the names of all gauss points defined

  • GiD_Result gauss_point delete <name>

GiD_Result gauss_point create GPT1 Quadrilateral 1 {0.5 0.5}
GiD_Result create {Result "Res Gauss 1" "Load analysis" 1.0 Scalar OnGaussPoints GPT1} {165 2} {2} {3} {164 5} {4} {3}

  • GiD_Result result_ranges_table create|get|names|delete <name> {<min1> <max1> <label1> ... <minn> <maxn> <labeln> }
    • create <name> {<label1> <min1> <max1> ... <labeln> <minn> <maxn>}

Define a new kind of result ranges table to map ranges of result values to labels.
<name> is the result ranges table name.
<mini> <maxi> <labeli>: is the label to show for result values from min to max

  • GiD_Result result_ranges_table get <name>

Return the information of this result ranges table

  • GiD_Result result_ranges_table names

Return a list with the names of all result ranges tables defined

  • GiD_Result result_ranges_table delete <name>

-array flag can be specified, for create and get subcommands, to use list of vectors to handle the information in a more efficient way

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