GiD - The personal pre and post processor

From v 11.0-rc2 to 11.0-rc3


  • Removed groups which were added in version 10.2.1 .
  • Fixed bug when contactvolumes, semi-structuredvolumes and unstructured quadrilateral were in contact.
  • Check if number of nodes generated is lower than the allowed by the license after generating mesh using MeshFromBoundary.
  • Fixed bugs in semi-structured volumes
  • Fixed bug in rjump: sometimes lines were 'artificially' marked not to be skipped.
  • Fixed bug related with meshing or not entities in frozen layers.
  • ATI + labels: corrected problem were overlapping labels were not drawn overlapped, only latest was drawn, now they are drawn overlapped. Also the background of the labels are now transparent.
  • quadratic elements: corrected draw problem in normal render mode where quadratic elements always were drawn with lines, despite the user preferences.
  • drawing meshes: in flat render, lines now are drawn black, always.
  • PS / EPS: corrected crash when saving the vectorial version of these formats.
  • Rebuild by boundary: now original surface number is maintained, and a 'No try planar' option is added to avoid rebuilding the shape as trimmed planar, and force be untrimmed.


  • Fullscreen: if the mouse is near the upper left corner, the view menu appears, this is the same menu as the right mouse button menu.
  • New version checking: now GiD, at the beginnig checks if there is a new version and tells the user if so.
  • Clip planes window: now clip planes can be set nearer or further than the ones set by Zoom Frame.


  • Border graph and line graph: corrected problem were a graph could not be done for scalar results if its component name was different than the scalar result name itself.
  • Dividing meshes: now the new meshes inherits the properties of the original meshes: colour, style, transparency, interior drawing mode, etc.) to avoid black drawing artifacts such as drawing interior elements of volume meshes by default, when the original mesh wasn't drawing them.
  • Legends: of contour fills, contour lines, graphs, isosurfaces, vectors now they adjust their width according to the contents and font type and size.
  • Vector legend: corrected problem when min == max.