GiD - The personal pre and post processor
GiD_Groups create|clone|delete|edit|get|list|window|exists|is_forbidden_name|draw|end_draw
- GiD_Groups create <group>
To create a new group. <group> must be the full name (e.g. if a group B has as parent A then must use as fullname A//B)
- GiD_Groups clone <source_group> <destination_group>
create a new cloned group, with the same entities that its source group.
<source_group> must be the full name of an existing group to be duplicated.
<destination_group> must be the tail name of a non existing group. The group parent will be the same as the source. In case of require other parent must be changed after with GiD_Groups edit parent
- GiD_Groups delete <group>
To delete a group
- GiD_Groups edit name|color|opaque|visible|allowed_types|allowed_element_types|parent|state <group> <value>
To modify group properties:
name: change its name
color: set the color to draw its entities (with format #rrggbbaa)
opaque: opaque (1) or transparent (0)
visible: set visibility of its entities. (Visible = 1, Hidden = 0)
allowed_types: set the list type of geometric or mesh entities allowed to be in the group, must be a list with some of {points lines surfaces volumes nodes elements faces}
allowed_element_types: set the list type of mesh elements allowed to be in the group, must be a list with some of {linear triangle quadrilateral, ....}, by default all element types are allowed
parent: to change the parent of a group
state: to change the groups state (normal, disabled or hidden). hidden groups are not listed or visible in windows.
- GiD_Groups get color|opaque|visible|allowed_types|allowed_element_types|parent|state|num_entities|num_conditions|id|all_properties <group>
To obtain the current value of some property:
num_entities: the total number of geometric or mesh entities that belong to the group
num_conditions: the total number of conditions applied to the group
id: the numeric identifier of the group
all_properties: return a list of property value with the properties of the layer
- GiD_Groups list ?<parent>?
To get the list of fullnames of the current groups.
If a parent is specified, then only relative names of child groups will be listed. Root parent could be specified with an empty string ""
- GiD_Groups window open|close|update
Show or hide the groups window or update its content
- GiD_Groups exists <group>
Return 1 if group exists, 0 else
- GiD_Groups is_forbidden_name <group>
Return 1 if group name has forbidden syntax
- GiD_Groups draw {<group_1> ... <group_n>}
Starts drawing the specified groups
- GiD_Groups end_draw
Finish drawing groups.
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