GiD - The personal pre and post processor
GiD_ModifyData ?-book? material|condition|intvdata|gendata|localaxes ?<name>? <values>
To change all field values of materials, interval data or general data:
- <name> is the material name or interval number;
- <values> is a list of all the new field values for the material, interval data or general data.
if -book is specified then this value is the new book name, and could be applied only to material or condition
GiD_ModifyData material Steel {2.1e6 0.3 7800}
GiD_ModifyData intvdata 1 ...
GiD_ModifyData gendata ...
GiD_ModifyData -book material Steel my_new_book
GiD_ModifyData localaxes <condition_name> ?geometry|mesh? <entity_ids...> <entiy_euler_angles...>
To change the 3 euler angles of the local axis of a condition <condition_name> attached to entities of geometry or mesh.
- <condition_name> is the name of the condition (local axis are associated to a condition with an special #LA# field)
- <entity_ids...> is a list (objarray) of integers with the ids of the entities (of the type as the condition was defined over geometry or mesh)
- <entiy_euler_angles...> is a list (objarray) of reals with the consecutive 3 values to set to each entity of the list.
The amount of angles must 3*amount of ids
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