From v 9.2.5b to 9.2.6b

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

From v 9.2.5b to 9.2.6b

What's new from version 9.2.5b to 9.2.6b 


-openglconfig option also works in Linux.
Added stereoscopy ( 3D view) support with anaglyphs and Quad planes ( if there is hardware support). Also specific Contour fill colors scales has been added for anaglyphs stereo mode. By clicking on View->Stereo... or on Utilities>Tools->Stereo... following window appears:

Stereoscopy window possibility 3D view
which allows the user to set following options:
stereo mode: selects the stereo mode to use between anaglyph colors and quad buffers
eye distance: distance between left and right eyes, which influences the stereo perception
eye distance mode: the eye distance can be specified in absolute mode, i.e. the distance is always the same (in meters) regardless the dimension of the currently visualized model, or scaled with the model.
left/right color mask: set the color buffer ( red, green, blue or alpha) to filter for the anaglyphs.
dynamic update: if on, any change on the window will be shown immediately in the model visualization window.
Animation: if the selected stereo mode is quad buffers, then the left and right eye frames are stored together in a double width frame in the animation file. Only avi files are supported.
Improvements (robustness and efficiency) in unstructured volume mesher based in Advancing Front technique.
Improvements in unstructured surface mesher RFAST (based in Advancing Front technique).
Added the possibility to get the meshing parameters from the ones saved with the model (user can see them from Utilities->Status) or from the meshing preferences (Utilities->Preferences). The choice is made just before the mesh generation, when the general meshing size is asked.

New mesh generation window
Automatic verification of constrained boundary for the Delaunay tetrahedra mesher
Improvement in the list mass properties, independent of the current surface render quality
GiD variable DrawBorderElementVol to disable drawing a border of volume elements (to speed up redraw)

Hide/show all volume related menus and toolbars when setting the global variable GidPriv(HideVolumeLevel) to 1/0

Integration graph: integral of a vector result or scalar component over a mesh through all the steps of an analysis. The results can be a nodal result or a smoothed gauss point result.
Visualization: in the 'View Style' windows, possibility to visualize the preprocess model (geometry or mesh) with the postprocessed results. There is also de possibility to select which render mode to use with the preprocess model.

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