GiD_Info conditions

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

GiD_Info conditions

GiD_Info conditions over_point | over_line | over_surface | over_volume | over_layer | over_group

(problemtype classic only)
This command returns a list of the conditions in the project. One of the arguments over_point, over_line, over_surface, over_volume must be given to indicate the type of condition required, respectively, conditions over points, lines, surfaces or volumes.

Note: it is also possible ask for the list of conditions declared in mesh as over_node | over_element | over_face
Instead of over_point, over_line, over_surface, over_volume, over_layer, over_group the following options are also available:

  • GiD_Info conditions ?-interval <intv>? ?-array? ?-localaxes | -localaxesmat | -localaxescenter | -localaxesmatcenter? <condition_name> ?geometry|mesh|groups ?<entity_id>|-count?

if a condition name is given, the command returns the properties of that condition.
It is also possible to add the options geometry|mesh|groups, and all geometry or mesh entities that have this condition assigned will be returned in a list if its integer identifiers. The word 'groups' must be used only if the condition was declared as 'over groups' and then the list contain its names.
If -interval "intv" is set, then the conditions on this interval ("intv"=1,...n) are returned instead of those on the current interval.
If -localaxes is set, then the three numbers that are the three Euler angles that define a local axes system are also returned (only for conditions with local axes, see DATA>Local Axes from Reference Manual).
Selecting -localaxesmat, the nine numbers that define the transformation matrix of a vector from the local axes system to the global one are returned.
If -localaxescenter is set, then the three Euler angles and the local axis center are also returned.
Selecting -localaxesmatcenter returns the nine matrix numbers and the center.
-array must be used only in combination with -localaxes_xx to get data more efficiently, as a list of two arrays, the first are the integer ids of the entities, and the second array the double values representing the localaxes data.
In case of 'face-element' entities the first item is a list of two items, the integer ids of the elements and the integer ids of the faces (local ids from 1 to 6)
Note: if -array is not used then -localaxes_xx return not only the local axis data of the #LA# question, but also the string values of the other questions non #LA# questions.
Adding the number id of an entity ( <entity_id> ) after the options mesh or geometry, the command returns the value of the condition assigned to that entity. It is possible to specify a range of ids with the syntax <first_id:last_id>
if -count is specified then the amount of entities with the condition is returned instead of the list of entities and its values.
Other options available if the condition name is given are
otherfields: to get some special fields of that condition
book: to get the book of the condition.
condmeshtype: to know how the condition was defined to be applied on mesh entities: over nodes, over body elements, over face elements, over face elements multiple
canrepeat: to know how the condition was defined to be applied only once or more to the same entity: values are 0 or 1
groupallow: to know how the condition 'over groups' was defined to allow the group to have entities of one or more kinds of {points lines surfaces volumes nodes elements faces}

  • books: If this option is given, a list of the condition books of the project is returned.

in: GiD_Info conditions over_point
out: "Point-Weight Point-Load"
in: GiD_Info conditions Point-Weight
out: "ovpnt 1 Weight 0"
in: GiD_Info conditions Point-Weight geometry
out: {E 8 - 2334} {E 20 - 2334} {E 31 - 343}
in: GiD_Info conditions Point-Weight geometry -count
out: "3"
in: GiD_Info Conditions -localaxes Concrete_rec_section mesh 2
out: {E 2 - {4.7123889803846897 1.5707963267948966 0.0}}

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