GiD_Info materials

GiD - The personal pre and post processor

GiD_Info materials

GiD_Info materials

(problemtype classic only)
This command returns a list of the materials in the project.
GiD_Info materials(<bookname>) returns only the materials that belong to the book <bookname>)
These options are also available:

  • <material_name>: If a material name is given, its properties are returned.
  • It is also possible to add the option otherfields to get the fields of that material, or the option book to get the book of that material.
  • books: If this option is given, a list of the material books in the project is returned.

in: GiD_Info materials
out: "Air Steel Aluminium Concrete Water Sand"
in: GiD_Info materials Steel
out: "1 Density 7850"
GiD_Info materials Steel otherfields
GiD_Info materials books
GiD_Info materials(profiles)

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