GiD_Info check
GiD - The personal pre and post processor
GiD_Info check
GiD_Info check
This command returns some specialized entities check.
The result for each argument is:
- line | surface | volume | mesh: Type of entity.
- <entity_id>: The number of an entity.
- isclosed: For lines: 1 if start point is equal to end point, 0 otherwise. For surfaces: A surface is closed if its coordinate curves (of the full underlying surface) with parameter 0 and 1 are equal. It returns a bit encoded combination of closed directions: 0 if it is not closed, 1 if it is closed in u, 2 if it is closed in v, 3 if it is closed in both u and v directions.
- isdegeneratedboundary: A surface is degenerated if some boundary in parameter space (south, east, north or west) becomes a point in 3d space. It returns a bit encoded combination of degenerated boundaries, for example: 0 if it is not degenerated, 9=2^0+2^3 if south and west boundaries are degenerated.
- selfintersection ?-tolerance <tolerance>?: Intersections check between surface boundary lines. It returns a list of detected intersections. Each item contains the two line numbers and their parameter values.
- orientation: For volumes, it returns a two-item list. The first item is the number of bad oriented volume surfaces, and the second item is a list of these surfaces' numbers.
- boundaryclose: For volumes, a boundary is topologically closed if each line is shared by two volume surfaces. It returns 0 if it is not closed and must be corrected, or 1 if it is closed.
- contact_elements_connectivities: For mesh of contact surfaces or contact volumes. Verify that the connectivities of the contact elements are not crossed. It returns as a list 0 if ok, 1 if bad and then an error message.
For lines it has the following syntax:
GiD_Info check line <entity_id> isclosed
For surfaces:
GiD_Info check surface <entity_id> isclosed | isdegeneratedboundary | selfintersection
For volumes:
GiD_Info check volume <entity_id> orientation | boundaryclose
For mesh:
GiD_Info check mesh contact_elements_connectivities
in: GiD_Info check volume 5 orientation
out: 2 {4 38}
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